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about Climate change and Global warming


Various databases show climate change in recent years up to the present. They mostly contain raw data, without any discussion as to why changes have occurred. The time period covered by the databases varies, and the quality of the data will generally be worse the older the data is.

Satellite data showing ice distribution in the Arctic

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute has data series with satellite data that show how the distribution of ice in the Arctic has changed since satellite surveillance was introduced in the 1970s. I have picked out some pictures from such a series [L40] and created the gif animation shown here:

Arctic animation

The animation starts in 1979, and there is one picture every 5 years. The last picture is from 2017 which is the last year available in this series (3 years after the previous one). Each image shows the ice situation in August.

Climate database from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute

This database (eKlima) is open to everyone and is available here [L44]. The database includes all weather stations the institute has had in operation, as well as stations from other institutions that can be distributed freely. The page, Temperature in January, Norway shows an example of how this database is used.


This database includes major disasters, both natural disasters and other disasters, and is created to help international aid organisations plan future activities, etc. See: EMDAT.

Latest update: 2021-07-21