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Egil Støren's Web pages

about Climate change and Global warming

Updates and lots of new content

Since the introduction of these websites in August 2020, I have made many updates and improvements to the pages. I have received good help from Professor Hans Martin Seip in The Grandparents' Climate Action, who has provided useful input on the academic content.

I have made changes to most of the individual pages.

Under the greenhouse effect, I have included some history and a section on climate sensitivity, which is an important quantity that describes how large the warming can be by doubling the CO₂ level in the atmosphere compared to pre-industrial times.

The page describing impacts includes a section on how warming affects tropical cyclones. In addition, a section on agriculture is included, and a more in-depth description of how feedback mechanisms may further intensify warming.

A separate page on economy is included under the mitigation part. Here, articles about economic consequences of global warming are presented, including articles by Nobel Prize winner William Nordhaus (writing on the financial consequences and the measures that may be relevant to implement).



Welcome to my website on climate and global warming

I have been working on these pages for over a year. I am now ready for an official "opening" of the pages.

Global warming is one of several problems facing the planet. Other important problems are that species are disappearing and we are getting a poorer biological environment. I have chosen to concentrate on global warming because I have background in this problem from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute where I worked until I retired full time in February 2020.

Global warming is a result of human activity. The problem is slowly increasing in scope, and we notice little change from year to year. But if we do not do something about it, the planet will have huge problems in the long run. We now have limited time to avoid the biggest problems. If we have not been able to implement effective measures within 10-20 years, the planet will on average be 3-4 °C warmer than in pre-industrial times and will end up in a state that cannot be reversed in several hundred years. The warming has major consequences that we cannot fully foresee today. The sea level will rise and the environment will change radically. Some places will no longer be habitable.

Therefore, all good forces must be deployed to find solutions. Some are in a better position to do this than others. Norway with its oil fund has the opportunity to make a real effort. The "green shift" requires capital to invest in research and to help new technologies get started. Norway can contribute here. See What Norway can do

